Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Art of Failure

Somehow during the course of this week I was able to shift into a higher gear. How is truly beyond me. Right now I truly feel existent, but in the most exciting way. Not just here, but exactly where I am at. I have no idea if this makes any sense outside of the confines of my mind. But I failed and accepted it and I'm ok, fine and probably better off than before I tried. 
For the past few weeks I've been fighting with myself in an epic battle of whit, perfection and idealism and none of those won. I believe that if it can be imagined it can be manifested either through your own direct action or through universal interaction at which an action of your own is the center. Basically anything you want or can imagine can be real by an unknown degree of separation. So many things in my life have come by one degree and I haven't allowed myself to fail and in turn the universe to react an cause what I can't create immediately. But I think that's over I'm letting go more knowing that reigns of control can be held too tight.

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